Jamie's trademark AIM (Advanced Integrative Myofascial) Therapywas developed for the effective treatment of pain and injuries. This unique approach provides restorative care and rehabilitation for individuals needing pain relief, including those that have experienced an auto accident or work related injury. We are the only provider of massage and bodywork therapies in the northern Minnesota to provide billing for Auto and Workers' Compensation insurancefor our clients.
Jamie approaches your pain , injuries and stress based on your goals, including:
• Relief From Pain
• Improved Ability to Accomplish Daily Activities
• Improved Sports Performance
• Improved Flexibility and Joint Mobility
• Improved Ability to Walk
• Stress Reduction
Common examples of pain and injury problems Jamie effectively treats include:
Neck pain, including whiplash
Shoulder pain/injury
Back pain/injury
Low Back and Hip pain/injury
Sciatic pain
Rotator Cuff pain/injury
Carpal Tunnel pain/dysfunction
Knee pain/injury
Ankle pain/injury
Foot pain/injury
TMJ (jaw) pain/dysfunction
Arm, Wrist and Hand pain/injury
Elbow pain including tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow